Application for the FMI open group leader positions

Please complete this form in English; fields marked * must be completed. Unmarked fields can be completed on a voluntary basis if you feel it is relevant to your application.

Information submitted will be kept confidential and only available internally for evaluation purpose.

If you have any issue regarding the form submission, please contact

Select Position:


Personal Details:

Last name:
First name:
Confirm email:
Academic Title:
Year of birth:
(city, country)

Where did you first see/hear about this position? *
If "Other":


Year, University, Degree, Advisor - for PhD/MD

Research Experience:

Years (from - to), Title, Place, Supervisor(s) - for last positions

Reference Letters:

Please provide names and email addresses of 3 referees.

As we will contact referees automatically when you have submitted your application, we recommend that you inform them ahead of time.
Last name:
First name:
Confirm email:


Please include here any additional information you feel is relevant to your application.


Important: You can decide to upload your cover letter, CV + publication list and/or description of research interests and future plans later - you will receive a link by email after your submission.
Only PDF files are accepted. Maximum size limit of cover letter is 2MB, of CV + publication list 5MB and of description of research interests and future plans 5MB.
Cover letter:
CV + publ. list:
A concise description of research interests and future plans: